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AWViewer and AWRender

Thanks to AWViewer and AWRender, ArtWorks files can be viewed by everyone without having to buy a full copy of ArtWorks. Even better, ArtWorks files can be embedded in documents created in other applications, e.g., OvationPro or Impression. This makes the ArtWorks format the best way of sharing high-quality graphics illustrations with other RISC OS users.

AWViewer allows you to view ArtWorks files with transparency (more information about transparency in AWRender) and with with multiple pages created by ArtWorks 2.7 or above and has a new full screen mode, so it can be used as a simple presentation package. It supports all features of ArtWorks 2.XI, including shadows, transparency and 64 thousand colour screen modes.

New: AWViewer 2.18 renders correctly to the new "LTRGB" screen modes used by the IGEPv5 (RapidO-Ig) and Titanium platforms (in 32 thousand, 64 thousand and 16 million colours), by the Raspberry Pi (in 64 thousand colours) and by the Iyonix when driving a monitor via DVI (in 32 thousand, 64 thousand and 16 million colours).

AWViewer - the ArtWorks Viewer

ArtWorks viewer icon factfile
Name AWViewer
Requires RISC OS 3.5 or higher
Version 2.18 (12-Apr-18)
Status © 1992, Computer Concepts Ltd.,
and © 2018, Martin Würthner
Price Free
Iyonix OK ARMv7 OK

AWViewer is both a stand-alone ArtWorks file viewer and a shared resource from which third-party applications load the ArtWorks rendering modules, most notably the AWRender module.

Recently introduced features include the ability to run on ARMv7 architectures such as the BeagleBoard and the ARMini, render shadows as created by ArtWorks 2.X, to render to 64 thousand colour screen modes (introduced in RISC OS 6) and to LTRGB screen modes (as used by the IGEPv5 and Titanium platforms) and to step through the pages of multi-page ArtWorks documents created by ArtWorks 2.7 and display the document in full screen mode.

AWRender - the ArtWorks renderer module

AWRender, the ArtWorks renderer module, is supplied as part of AWViewer and used by third-party applications (Impression, OvationPro, Easi/TechWriter, Composition, PhotoDesk, OHP, etc.) to display and print ArtWorks files. AWRender was originally developed by Computer Concepts.

The following list shows the progress AWRender made from the last version released by Computer Concepts (1.22) bringing AWRender (nearly) up to the same rendering standards as the main ArtWorks 2.XI application. AWRender is 32-bit safe, so it runs on Castle's Iyonix computer and the A9Home. Version 2.16 is also ARMv7 safe, so it runs on the BeagleBoard and R-Comp's ARMini.

Version Hatch(Pro) fills JPEGs Full address range Deep sprites Sprites in deep modes Replicates Text areas 32-bit safe ClipView Rainbow blends New arrows Crystal Multi-page 64k modes Shadows ARMv7 LTRGB
AWRender 1:
1.22 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
1.37 yes yes yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
1.51 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no no no no
1.60 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no no no
1.74 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no no
1.76 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no
1.80 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no
AWRender 2:
2.05 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no
2.11 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no
2.14 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no
2.16 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no
2.18 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

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Suitable for RISC OS 3.5 to 3.7, 4, Select/Adjust/Adjust-32, RISC OS 5 and 6:
AWViewer icon Download AWViewer 2.18 (12-Apr-18) (ARMv7 compatible, 32-bit compatible, with AWRender 2, supports transparency, multi-page documents and shadows, LTRGB-enabled) Iyonix OK ARMv7 OK

If you would like to be informed of AWRender updates and new ArtWorks plug-in modules, please send me an e-mail to subscribe to the ArtWorks modules e-mail newsletter (if you are an MW Software customer then you will receive the newsletters automatically if you have given me your e-mail address).

Older version suitable for RISC OS 3.1:
AWViewer icon Download AWViewer 1.51c (16-Jan-03) (26-bit only, with AWRender 1.51)

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Last modified: 19-Apr-18