CMYK ink simulation (core ink simulation technology kindly provided by David Pilling)
for both flat colours and colour graduations (click to enlarge the previews below).
Simulated CMYK graduations |
CMYK colour map rendering |
The purpose of CMYK ink simulation is to give a better on-screen approximation of CMYK colours as
printed using CMYK colour separated printing, so this is a specialist feature mainly useful for
professional printers. For example, the simulated CMYK graduation of the rounded rectangle reveals
a muddy band that is not shown by the naive RGB rendering. This band would show up in a colour
separated print.
The second screenshot shows the standard ColourMap file supplied with ArtWorks, rendered using the
standard naive CMYK rendering (left) and using CMYK ink simulation (right). A professional print
of this file can be found in the ArtWorks 1 Professional Printing Guide.