


Search menu

The Search menu contains commands that let you search through a document either for text that you specify, or other instances of the current text selection. It also lets you replace one text pattern with another.


This command opens the Find/Replace dialogue box, where you can specify what text (search pattern) to find. The replacement string (if any) is typed into the Replace with writable icon.

Searching normally takes place from the caret to the end of the document, looking for any match without taking into account whether letters are in upper or lower case.

Option icons allow you to modify the type of search and the search parameters:

  • Case sensitive to match the UPPER/lower case combinations typed in the search pattern.
  • Search backwards to search from the caret towards the beginning of the document.
  • Whole word to find only those occurrences that are complete words.

Wild card

The character '?' means 'find any single occurrence of any character'.

e.g. the search pattern 'b?d' would find 'bad', 'bed', 'bid' etc., and the search pattern 'b??d' would find 'bald', 'band', 'bold' and so on.

Special characters

You can also search for special characters. Use the combinations shown below:

Type To search for
@n Carriage return (end of paragraph).
@t Tab.
@v Line feed (forced new line).
@? ?
@@ @

Find same

Find same (Shift-F4) finds the next occurrence of the search string.

Replace same

Replace same (Ctrl-F4) finds and replaces the next occurrence of the search string.

Find selection

Find selection uses the current selection as the search pattern (limited to the first 255 characters).

Find synonym

Desktop Thesaurus from Beebug Limited is supported.

When Desktop Thesaurus is on the icon bar you can use Find synonym (Ctrl-Q).

Refer to the section of the Desktop Thesaurus manual entitled Exchanging data with other applications. You can use EasiWriter in the way described for Ovation.

Add bookmark

Bookmarks are a convenient way of marking, by name, a position in the document. This name is included in the Search menu - choosing it returns the caret to that part of the document.

If a selection was made before choosing Add bookmark this will become the name of the bookmark. Edit the name if required.

If no name is supplied an Untitled bookmark is created. There can only be one untitled bookmark in a document at any one time, so that the existing bookmark is removed when a second untitled bookmark is created. This is intended to allow a quick way of returning to the 'working point' of a document, without having to worry about naming and removing old bookmarks.

Remove bookmark

Removes the selected bookmark from the Search menu.


The list of currently defined bookmarks appears at the bottom of the Search menu.

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